Thursday, May 8, 2008

Taking the Time

So often each of us are running through our lives without thought to what we may be missing out on. Whether it is the opportunity to read to a child, see the sun set or just be with God. Yesterday without prior planning I had the blessing to spend time with my sister-of-my-heart Beth. I am always in awe when I am around her. Her strength, love, compassion and generousity astound me. I suppose after more than 20 years of friendship it shouldn't but it still does. I tried to sum this up in words for her because as Mother's Day approaches this weekend I wanted her to know how much I admire her and how Todd and Beth are rearing their two beautiful girls.

So Beth, this one's for you...May you have a Blessed Mother's Day knowing that all of your hard work, dedication, love and compassion show through the kindness and love of your two children. May God always hold you and those you hold dear in the palm of his hand.

I ask each of you this weekend to take the time and witness God's love for each of us in the little things. Take the time to tell someone how much you love them. Hug a child. Smile at a stranger.

Peace to all who read this blog, today and always....Joan, Blessed Mom to One

1 comment:

Mary B said...

I admire Beth too. She does everything with such grace. But you have a lovely Mother's Day too.