Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Life is so Good!

I know I have been away and I am sorry. Let me try to catch you up on things.

Last week I went to RBA to go over a project that needed some explanation. It was fun to catch up with JT and DD. I got to see my 3:00 chocolate buddy. I miss the people an awful lot. My former director left for me Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich.

Then we headed off camping where I read the book! It was so funny. Phil kept asking what is so funny. We spent time in Peru. Did you know there was a Peru MA? Friends of our own property and it is only about 35 minutes from our camper. Ben rode his first ATV with his Uncle. He had a full helmet on, but you could see the smile he had on from ear to ear.

Work...well, this has been a truly awesome week for me. I was able to help create two presentations and do part of them. Tomorrow I will be at training sessions with the Principals. I love the energy of the school district.

Oh, yeah, Ben is continuing to ask for a baby brother. I told him that it just doesn't work that way. I, then teasingly said, what about a baby sister. His answer was "NO WAY". LOL

Ben is going to the twins "Princess" birthday party. His invitation came to Prince Benjamin. I can't wait to go and see how big the girls have gotten.

Next week we are on vacation...YEAH.

Love to everyone

Peace to all who read this blog today and everday.


1 comment:

Mary B said...

Good to see you here again! If the twins and mom are ever at your house give me a call-- I'd love to catch up.