Monday, August 25, 2008

A great day!

Today we spent the day as a family going to Mystic Aquarium. Ben's favorite part of the whole day was the sting ray touching pool. We went back at least 5 times and each time he was able to touch a sting ray. His second favorite thing was the tarantulas. YUCK. He even talked Jane into buying him a remote controlled tarantual. DOUBLE YUCK.

It was lots of funs with only a few meltdowns. Here are some fun pictures of the day. We leave for camping tomorrow so I'm so excited for the down time. Love to all.
The big stingray tank. Not as much fun as the touch pool.
Feeding the birds. (Mum would NEVER do this one)

End of the day...
Peace to all who read this blog today and everyday..Joan

Friday, August 22, 2008

Time to download...

What a week this has been for me! I was given the opportunity to present to the principals this week. They are such a welcoming group. Already know I'm going to be teased about my Brooks clothes. I laughed with one of the principals today that I'm not allowed to have a bad outfit day now.

I don't feel ready for vacation. Much to my dismay I had planned to stay at work tonight until everything was done. That did not work because the man with the alarm key was closing up shop at 5. UGHH. I hope to swing in there tomorrow for just an hour to clean up. I really don't like leaving things unfinished.

Okay, Ben is so funny. Here is a picture of him being the firefighter. He loves to spend time outside playing like this.

Tomorrow he gets to go to a Princess birthday party. He has decided he will be Prince Darth Vadar. I'll let you all know how that goes.
Back to vacation, I'm very excited as we are going to Mystic Aquarium on Monday, then to Magic Wings on Tuesday then Ben and I head up to the campground for the rest of the week. Ben is going to have his first friend stay with us (the Mom's coming too). Should be loads of fun.
Had a great time catching up with some of my sisters tonight. Those of you I haven't reached yet I'm trying tomorrow. I love you lots.
Well all, need to get Ben to bed.
Peace to all who read this blog today and everyday.
Love ya

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Life is so Good!

I know I have been away and I am sorry. Let me try to catch you up on things.

Last week I went to RBA to go over a project that needed some explanation. It was fun to catch up with JT and DD. I got to see my 3:00 chocolate buddy. I miss the people an awful lot. My former director left for me Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich.

Then we headed off camping where I read the book! It was so funny. Phil kept asking what is so funny. We spent time in Peru. Did you know there was a Peru MA? Friends of our own property and it is only about 35 minutes from our camper. Ben rode his first ATV with his Uncle. He had a full helmet on, but you could see the smile he had on from ear to ear.

Work...well, this has been a truly awesome week for me. I was able to help create two presentations and do part of them. Tomorrow I will be at training sessions with the Principals. I love the energy of the school district.

Oh, yeah, Ben is continuing to ask for a baby brother. I told him that it just doesn't work that way. I, then teasingly said, what about a baby sister. His answer was "NO WAY". LOL

Ben is going to the twins "Princess" birthday party. His invitation came to Prince Benjamin. I can't wait to go and see how big the girls have gotten.

Next week we are on vacation...YEAH.

Love to everyone

Peace to all who read this blog today and everday.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Sorry I've been away...

I hadn't realized how long it had been since I'd posted. Sorry for all of you out there who looked.

Life is going along just beautifuly. Congratulations to my cousin H on her recent wedding to C. It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been too. I also have decided that I no longer prefer yellow roses. The sunset orange roses that were at this wedding are now my favorite. I made darn sure that Phil knew. Not that he's sending flowers lately, but on the off chance that he does, he knows what I now prefer.

Did you know that I love camping? We headed up first thing on Saturday morning. The boys had already packed most of the car before I even got out of bed. Then, off to the grocery store while the boys went to the local Rocky's for self-tapping screws for the deck and then picked up up my coffee. Even my four year old knows that Mommy NEEDS her coffee in the morning. Not just wants, but NEEDS. He has been known to remind Phil to get me coffee on the weekend. God I really do love that kid! Camping eventhough it rained part of the weekend was full of wonderful family moments.

Okay so JM is back. I am so thankful she had a safe and wonderful trip to Texas. I so enjoy hearing about where her son and DIL take her for their side trips. I am glad she is back because now I have someone to have a nice lazy dinner conversation with. When she is not here I am rushing to get dinner done, on the table, dishes, bedtime then laundry that I barely have time for how was your day. With JM life is not in chaos. I am eternally grateful she is in our family's life. JM has quite the decision to make for 2009 ...Cruise or Hawaii. I, of course, told her it was a no brainer...Hawaii and that I can fit into a carryon! I asked if her son and DIL wanted to adopt me. She laughed at that one. She also told me I'm not the first to ask. So, A and J if you continue to read my blog eventhough JM is home...I'm available to suffer through a trip to Hawaii ;)

I got together with one of my friends from RBA/BB. It was a lot of fun and a ton of laughs. I need to do that more often. Thanks for such a great evening. Let me know when we can get together again.

I suppose I should get going. Oh...Thursday I find out what my sister S is having. I'm betting a boy, but it could be a girl. I can guarantee it is NOT a puppy.

Peace to all who read this email today and everyday.