I hadn't realized how long it had been since I'd posted. Sorry for all of you out there who looked.
Life is going along just beautifuly. Congratulations to my cousin H on her recent wedding to C. It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been too. I also have decided that I no longer prefer yellow roses. The sunset orange roses that were at this wedding are now my favorite. I made darn sure that Phil knew. Not that he's sending flowers lately, but on the off chance that he does, he knows what I now prefer.
Did you know that I love camping? We headed up first thing on Saturday morning. The boys had already packed most of the car before I even got out of bed. Then, off to the grocery store while the boys went to the local Rocky's for self-tapping screws for the deck and then picked up up my coffee. Even my four year old knows that Mommy NEEDS her coffee in the morning. Not just wants, but NEEDS. He has been known to remind Phil to get me coffee on the weekend. God I really do love that kid! Camping eventhough it rained part of the weekend was full of wonderful family moments.
Okay so JM is back. I am so thankful she had a safe and wonderful trip to Texas. I so enjoy hearing about where her son and DIL take her for their side trips. I am glad she is back because now I have someone to have a nice lazy dinner conversation with. When she is not here I am rushing to get dinner done, on the table, dishes, bedtime then laundry that I barely have time for how was your day. With JM life is not in chaos. I am eternally grateful she is in our family's life. JM has quite the decision to make for 2009 ...Cruise or Hawaii. I, of course, told her it was a no brainer...Hawaii and that I can fit into a carryon! I asked if her son and DIL wanted to adopt me. She laughed at that one. She also told me I'm not the first to ask. So, A and J if you continue to read my blog eventhough JM is home...I'm available to suffer through a trip to Hawaii ;)
I got together with one of my friends from RBA/BB. It was a lot of fun and a ton of laughs. I need to do that more often. Thanks for such a great evening. Let me know when we can get together again.
I suppose I should get going. Oh...Thursday I find out what my sister S is having. I'm betting a boy, but it could be a girl. I can guarantee it is NOT a puppy.
Peace to all who read this email today and everyday.