Monday, July 21, 2008


Mondays are always tough. Why is that? Is it because we cram so much into a few short days? For me it was that I had a hard time with the heat.

After the wedding Mum held a brunch for the out of town guests and some of her co-workers. It was another HOT day. The kids all played in the kiddie pool while the adults hung out inside watching the British Open (I think?) or were looking for shade. Em's house is great for a party. After a short time though I was ready to go to our camper. As soon as we got there Ben and I headed for the pool.

Ben is definitely enjoying the pool. He made great progress once again. He saw the same little girl as a couple of weeks ago and she was doing cannon balls...yes, now Ben does his own version of a cannon ball.

The constuction site is moving along slowly. With the wedding and my need to go up to the campground, not much has happened in the last week. The big closet is sheetrocked and I hope to have a ceiling in the room by the end of August. Weekends are for fun, not work.

I love catching up on my older sister and her blog. You can see it on the right of my blog. She has decided to go back to college. I have to say I keep toying with the idea and now that I am working a less stressful job (at least at the moment) I am again contemplating it. We'll have to see. As always money does come into play. Some days I wish it really did grow on trees.

My roomate from college checks this blog from time to time and so I must do a little call out to her and say HI and that I am so glad you are checking this. Now you need to create a blog so I can comment on yours...By the way, we took a picture at the wedding of everyone there that either works or went to the Elms. When it is available I'll post it for you to see.

I hope everyone at RBA is doing well.

Peace to all who read this blog today and everyday.


mary said...

OMG you have a tatoo???!!!! Boy do I miss a lot. Loved the video that Mary posted. Schmitzee

Mary B said...

She does! I have a question-- those of you with a tatoo have it where you can't see it--- why is that?
BTW My son forgot your offer to help when he got a tatoo so no tatoo so far!

Anyway I'm glad you cooled off at the campground. We stuck it out in the airconditioning.

BlessedMomto1 said...

Okay, yes I have a tatoo. I still love it. Its not where I can see, but I was too chicken to put it somewhere else. I also love how it shows with various outfits. Schmitzee I've only had it for about 2 years ish. I got it when Phil went overseas for his last tour of duty.

I can't believe your oldest doesn't remember my offer. To bad for him.