Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pajama Day

While reading emails at my family group page we were discussing a girls night and making it a Pajama Party. Those of you who know me really well know that I LOVE to hang out in my pajamas. Preferably my nice and cosy flannel ones. I love doing this so much that for years I try to have at least three to four Pajama Days each year.

You may be asking yourself what a Pajama Day is. It is different for everyone, but for me it is pure bliss. I hang out in my most comfortable pajamas all day. The only things I try to accomplish on a pajama day are:
1. A Nap
2. Read a few chapters of a book
3. Have a cup of tea
4. Connect with my sisters and Best Friend
5. Extra cuddle time with Ben (although he really is not interested now that he is almost 5)

Before Ben and when Phil was in the Air Force this day was usually when Phil had his Reserve Weekend. Since Ben I am not able to enjoy this as much, but Ben does already have an appreciation for Pajama Day, much to Phil's dismay. Pajama Day's are much easier in the weekend when I already have a tendance to want to stay home.

Now that I am writing about this, it is making me LONG for a Pajama Day. Maybe Columbus Day weekend when we are at the campground. Otherwise I know I won't be able to have one until November. Something to look forward to.

Well, to the few of you who read this blog...plan your own pajama day soon! You'll be surprised how great it makes you feel.

Peace to all who read this blog today and everyday.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


So, Ben's surgery was a success. What an experience. Wednesday we went to the hospital for a tour geared for kids. It was great. Ben brought Dizzy his plastic tarantual with us. He made such an impression that the daytime child life person was expecting him Friday am and Dizzy. Made it much easier on all of us.

As per instruction, no food after midnight and nothing to drink three hours before the 9 am surgery. Phil and I also chose to not eat or drink in order to not tempt Ben in the morning. We kept him up late on Thursday with a nice big ice cream right before bed. It seemed to work. Off we headed to the hospital and arrived right on time 7:30 where we proceeded to have to wait until 9:45 before they took him in. He was a trooper through it all.

Waking up was tough and lots of crying and after two hours we were allowed home eventhough he wouldn't drink anything, but did take the medicine without throwing it up.

At home lots of presents for being brave and visits from Memere and Pepere and JM. He slept great but woke up sore this morning and was upset because now his "great idea" of going to his friends birthday was not a great idea because he was too sore. Luckily by 11:30 he felt well enough that we did stop at the birthday for a couple of hours.

Now he is cranky but that is okay it means he is healing.

well, gotta run and get him more to drink.

Peace to all who read this blog today and everday.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Do you ever realize that your priorities are all screwed up? What about when you think you are on the right track and then realize you took the wrong track? I'm there right now. Time to re-prioritize my life. The upside for me is that it has been a week where I realize how blessed I am with having Phil for my husband, JM as my extra mom right now, my beautiful boy Ben, my prayer group, BH, and my family.

The tag sale is off for this weekend but almost everything is actually ready to go. With the weather being forecast for rain it is just as well. That would be the icing on the cake to sit out in the rain for two days. I think we are going to do it in October? The tape and mudders are here for the walls in the new room then we can begin painting.

Ben is enjoying his toy tarantulas. He still insists that Santa will bring him a real one, but until then he has built Dizzy (that's his plastic one's name) a home complete with bed, blanket, ladder (in case of a fire) and children! Yes, Dizzy is the proud Mother/Father to six baby spiders of all different colors. At least Ben has stopped asking for a baby brother!

I'm off to see Annie tonight at the Elms where my friend's daughter is performing. It is one of my favorite musicals so I am looking forward to it. Tomorrow is church and then a camp show meeting, where luckily I only have to go to part of it.

Well, time to sign off.
Peace to all who read this blog today and everday.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's amazing what you find...

Okay, so this morning I decided to tackle my closet. As many of you know, our house does not have big closets and somehow I have more clothes than I have room for. So here are some things that I found....

1. A christmas present for Phil that is probably five years old that I never gave him. (Sorry honey, consider it an early christmas give this year.)
2. The appraisal write up on our house. No not the house we live in now that we have been in for five years, but our first house...that we bought almost 13 years ago! Why I would move and put just that document in my closet is an unknown.
3. A baby basket...I must explain, it is the bassinet style basket that was made for the cards at the babyshower that my MIL through for me. Her sister made it and I just can not part with it. It is full with all the cards we received when all of you heard we were FINALLY pregnant, when my showers occurred and for Ben's christening. I cannot part with ANY OF IT. So I put it back in my closet. It is worth the space. I found some unbelieve notes...from Ben's godmother, my best friend and sister of my heart (I am really glad God put you in my life) and all of my family. I showed it all to Ben. He didn't get it, but maybe someday he will.
4. A baby Blanket. It is the blanket that we used for his hospital picture. Did you know you didn't have to use the ugly backgrounds that they provide! I only found that out by luck because I asked for a different background. We used his star blanket. Since he was born on christmas and one of the themes for the shower was stars...
5. Shoes...lots and lots of shoes. Some don't even fit me. Some aren't even mine. Sorry Peg....I think I have at least TWO pair of your shoes. I've put them in a bag for you.
6. A curtain - brand new that I bought for Sheila's room when she was living here, but never put up.
7. Purses. I never thought I had a thing for purses but I think I do. I know I tend to stick with just one, but I have lots at least 10. But do you think I have on small black purse for those special occassions...NO! Hummmm, maybe that will have to be my next purchase.
8. Coat Hangers...I think they reproduce in there. I mean, I go through for them every couple of weeks it seems yet there they all were either on the floor or between clothes.

Of course I found lots of dust and such things, but I feel a little better that I purged some of the stuff hidden in my closet.

Next weekend we are having a tag sale on Saturday. I don't think I am up for a two-day tag sale. I'll have to see.

Peace to all who read this blog today and everyday.